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Family Tree Builder (by My Heritage) Reviews

Family Tree Builder (by My Heritage) image

Editor's Overall Rating:
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(based on 16 reviews)

Category: Genealogy Software (AKA Family Tree Software)
Website: http://www.myheritage.com/family-tree-builder

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(2.8 Stars) based on 16 reviews

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Only 44% of Users Recommend it

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Main functions OK. But bad gedcom export and service.
03 February 2024
Reviewer: Om from Brussels

75 of 147 people found this review helpful

The program allows all basic inputs and outputs, with the exception of witnesses. The customer service is terrible. I had to wait more than a month for a bad response to the issues I met.
Sync with MyHertiage is OK.
The Gedcom export is sometimes problematic, due to possible duplicates of ID at MyHeritage level.

In summary, I would not recommend Family Tree Builder (by My Heritage) to a friend.

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Family Tree Builder Support
13 October 2022
Reviewer: Janice R. from Murfreesboro, TN

95 of 180 people found this review helpful

My computer crashed on Sept. 25, 2022. I have been calling for support from the Family Tree Builder technicians ever since. When I call the number provided for help it gets me to the My Heritage person and they tell me they can't help me, but my problem is being escalated to Family Tree Builder technicians. I've probably called twenty times and I'm always told the same thing. I lost several hundred pictures in FTB with no way to get them back. I am so frustrated and upset by this. When I make my daily phone call, I remain calm and go through the whole senecio each time. I'm sometimes told they see that this is only my second call to them and problems like this take time but the problem will be escalated to FTB technician. I have been with them for many years and have always been happy with My Heritage. I would have recommended using them until now.

In summary, I would not recommend Family Tree Builder (by My Heritage) to a friend.

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Change program from old comuter to new
20 August 2021
Reviewer: Bob Vh from Salina, OK, USA

96 of 191 people found this review helpful

After being frustrated with MyHeritage maze to instruct me how to move my file from my old computer to the new (and no live person available to chat me through the process. I posted a review of 1 star and now I can post a 5 star. I finally found a way to get it done.

After closing my open genealogy files I downloaded from MyHeritage My Families, the open program file. It is blank with no data (persons) included. The “MyHeritage” emblem should be on your Desktop. That allows you to access your file after uploading it.

I learned that by neglecting to have the blank file open first, I would receive that Gedcom file that looks complete, but it can’t be saved. That is a bummer.

Start with opening the blank file ready to receive the “upload” file to your Myfamily file. Click “file” and the dropdown commands include “GEDCOM Download.” After clicking on that, Gedcom posts the list of files ready to be downloaded to your new computer blank program. You can choose the file you had uploaded and then sit back as... (Read the full review)

In summary, I would recommend Family Tree Builder (by My Heritage) to a friend.

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Be Forewarned
11 January 2021
Reviewer: Anonymous Genealogist from USA

133 of 234 people found this review helpful

If you want to simply compile a database of your family tree members--and do NOT want to create an on-line account, especially if you have NO desire to have your information stored and/or published on the so-called cloud, then this is NOT the program for you. Since the on-line account is mandatory, then I presume a 24/7 internet connection is as well, which many of us do NOT have.

They say it's free to download, but WITHOUT forewarning you on their website (that I could see) or at the start of the download process that you will have to sign-up in order to complete the installation, which is as far as I am concerned a devious trap. Also, if in internet connection is necessary to use the program as I mentioned above, then they also fail to forewarn you of that vital information, which is necessary to make an informed decision on which software package to download and use.

Since you cannot op-out of this requirement for an on-line account, you must go about uninstalling the program, which of course is not an issue except for the fact that it leaves artifacts of itself in various folders and in your registry, the... (Read the full review)

In summary, I would not recommend Family Tree Builder (by My Heritage) to a friend.

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Be Forewarned
11 January 2021
Reviewer: Anonymous Genealogist from USA

115 of 229 people found this review helpful

If you want to simply compile a database of your family tree members--and do NOT want to create an on-line account, especially if you have NO desire to have your information stored and/or published on the so-called cloud, then this is NOT the program for you. Since the on-line account is mandatory, then I presume a 24/7 internet connection is as well, which many of us do NOT have.

They say it's free to download, but WITHOUT forewarning you on their website (that I could see) or at the start of the download process that you will have to sign-up in order to complete the installation, which is as far as I am concerned a devious trap. Also, if in internet connection is necessary to use the program as I mentioned above, then they also fail to forewarn you of that vital information, which is necessary to make an informed decision on which software package to download and use.

Since you cannot op-out of this requirement for an on-line account, you must go about uninstalling the program, which of course is not an issue except for the fact that it leaves artifacts of itself in various folders and in your registry, the... (Read the full review)

In summary, I would not recommend Family Tree Builder (by My Heritage) to a friend.

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Uninstalled --hurray
02 December 2019
Reviewer: Skip from Anytown, Main Street , Us

368 of 724 people found this review helpful

Let see, I had this program for a number of years, first thing when ire-installed it , I got an email from a question I asked someone who posted my Grandfather was a Twin, He was not.Secondly when I started adding in about my Grandfather , they said his birthday was incorrect, now I have the bible and the newspaper obituary in front of me. After 7 tries and its telling me in red the birthday was incorrect, was in correct, please try again, I moved over to my Mothers Mothers birthday, again it would do anything. At that point I quit, next when I look up my Grandfather was married to my Mothers Mother. So I have had enough.

I would not recommend Heritage Family tree builder.

In summary, I would not recommend Family Tree Builder (by My Heritage) to a friend.

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My heritage family tyree builder 8.0
16 February 2016
Reviewer: Ace 66 from United Kingdom

249 of 439 people found this review helpful

I have been a ftb user for a number of years now I can honestly say I have not really had many problems using either the site or ftb. my big problem was syncing to web site with ftb after I upgraded to windows 10 now the problem is fixed yes it took a while to sort but the support staff never gave up and were only happy when I was happy the problem was fixed they kept me up to date with any fixes to try.
yes I would advise anyone to use this software and the company its very easy and intuitive to use even for first time users . very quick to install and get up and running.

a suggestion to support can you please make the duplicate finder find duplicates and merge them into one for example 80-100% so if a mistake is made where 2 complete branches were added containing the same people merge them all into one branch containing the different names IE if the branches had 2 john smiths married to Jane smith they would merge into one branch containing 1 john smith and 1 Jane smith.

In summary, I would recommend Family Tree Builder (by My Heritage) to a friend.

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My Heritage & My Heritage Tree Builder
23 June 2014
Reviewer: Annette Suhr Thorsøe from Copenhagen, Denmark

257 of 480 people found this review helpful

Many thanks to the support team for information concerning my change of computer. It turned out to be piece of cake for me.

I have now been a user for app. 4 yrs. My Heritage suits me perfect. And due to Smart Matches I have got in contact with Family in New Zealand, Australia, Canada and naturally here in Denmark. I have received valuable information and am saved for many, many hours of work.

In summary, I would recommend Family Tree Builder (by My Heritage) to a friend.

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Family Tree Buider is easy to use
29 May 2014
Reviewer: Rogerio Porto Breier from Gravatai, RS, Brazil

267 of 498 people found this review helpful

I'm using FTB program and I think it's easy and interactive. I only had a little problem to sincronize my family tree with a family site at My Heritage, but it's solved with some e-mails between me and MyHeritage support. Now my family tree is ok.

In summary, I would recommend Family Tree Builder (by My Heritage) to a friend.

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My Heritage Family Tree Builder makes bad GEDCOM files
09 October 2013
Reviewer: Tim from San Diego, CA

295 of 561 people found this review helpful

I tried My Heritage Family Tree Builder and made a GEDCOM file that I imported into PAF. I got a whole long list of _UID errors and a bunch of marriages of unknown people. So I tried importing it into another popular program, Legacy Family Tree. Same problems there. I say don't waste your time with My Heritage Family Tree Builder. It makes really weird GEDCOM files that don't seem to import well into the few other programs I tried them on.

In summary, I would not recommend Family Tree Builder (by My Heritage) to a friend.

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